Computer is an electronic device that takes input from the user in the form of data and it processes the data according o the given instructions and displays required output.
What is the full form of Computer?
C - Commonly
O - Operated
. M - Machine
P - Particularly
U -Used for
T - Trade and
E - Educational
R - Research
Input-Process-Output Cycle (IPO Cycle):
The computer works on the basis of the Input-Process-Output Cycle.
- Data is a collection of words, numbers, sounds and pictures entered into the computer by input devices.
- Data is a plurel form.
- Datum is a singular form.
For example:
6,+,5,=,11, etc. are data.
They do not give us useful information.
What is Instructions?
Instructions are an organized data.
Useful information. Pls upload more articles.